
Heath Mount Primary School - Equality Statement 


Heath Mount Primary School endeavours to improve the lives of children, young people and families. We are proud to be a diverse school and we ensure that all forms of bullying, including homophobic, transphobic and racist bullying are tackled efficiently. In doing so we believe that children will attain more at school and our community will be happier and more successful.

We welcome all our children and their families without discrimination.

Due to the Public Sector Equality Duty we teach the Equality Act 2010 to our all pupils thereby discussing all the protected characteristics as appropriate. Children are taught from Early Years onwards to recognise and accept difference and diversity in the school and their communities. Our equality objectives 2024 are:

  • To teach children an understanding and acceptance of difference between themselves and others.
  • To teach children about the Equality Act 2010 and British values.
  • To prepare children for life in modern Britain.


Further information can be access below via the Trust Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy.

Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy